Author: sudippaul887
A Comprehensive Guide to Emission Reduction Projects or Carbon Credit Claiming
Do You Know How to Claim Carbon Credit? In a world grappling with climate change, carbon credits have emerged as a powerful tool to incentivize and reward initiatives that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions. If you're intrigued by the prospect of claiming carbon credits, this comprehensive guide breaks down the process into five key...
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Insights from the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Seminar at EMK Center
Addressing Climate Vulnerability: The Role of U.S.-Bangladesh Partnership Yesterday, Grit Energy had the opportunity to attend a vital seminar at the EMK Center, hosted by the U.S. Fulbright Grantees to Bangladesh. This seminar highlighted key aspects of climate vulnerability and the crucial role of the U.S.-Bangladesh partnership in tackling these challenges. The insights provided by...
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Training of Solar EPC Trainers: A Journey Through 5-Day Solar Energy Training
Recently, we had the incredible opportunity and privilege to participate in the five-day long training of the solar EPC trainers. The vision of the training was to create well-practiced solar EPC trainers in the market. Grit Technologies Limited was selected by GIZ as one of the professional solar EPC companies in Bangladesh who has the...
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FAQ on Solar Financing by Grit Technologies Limited
FAQ on Solar Financing In the series of Solar Power Plant FAQs, today we will cover the financing queries that we often get from our valuable clients.  Q: Who will fund my solar project?  A: Grit has multiple financiers to finance solar power plants for both CAPEX and OPEX Solar Projects. Based on project size and...
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Energy Asset Management: Future Looks Bright
Energy Asset Management (EAM) refers to the management of physical assets such as power generation plants, transmission and distribution infrastructure, and energy storage systems. The future of EAM is likely to be shaped by several trends that are already underway, including the adoption of digital technologies, the shift towards renewable energy sources, and the growing...
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জ্বালানী সাশ্রয়ে করণীয়ঃ মোহাম্মাদ মুনীর চৌধুরী
দেশে বিত্তশালী পরিবারগুলোতে গাড়ির ছড়াছড়ি। গাড়ি কেনা ও ব্যবহারে লাগামহীন অর্থের ও জ্বালানির অপচয় হচ্ছে। মাত্র ১০০ গ্রাম কাঁচা মরিচ বা একটা পাউরুটি কিনতে বাজারে ছুটছে গাড়ি। বাড়িতে-অফিসে ইলেকট্রনিকস সামগ্রীর (কম্পিউটার, আইপ্যাড, ল্যাপটপ, মোবাইল, মাইক্রোওয়েভ) চার্জারটি সকেটের সঙ্গে অবিরাম অবিচ্ছিন্ন রেখে আমরা বিদ্যুতের অপচয় ঘটাচ্ছি। এসির ব্যবহারেও রয়েছে অজ্ঞতা ও অবহেলা।
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Call Us for Energy Auditing: Start Saving Today!
Grit has a wide pool of certified energy auditions who can cut down your energy costs significantly! Energy auditing is a valuable tool for organizations looking to reduce their energy costs, improve their environmental performance, and enhance their sustainability. The process involves analyzing and evaluating the energy consumption of a building, facility, or process to...
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Natural Gas: Lifeline of Bangladeshi Energy?
Natural gas is the most important primary energy source in Bangladesh, accounting for over 70% of the country's energy consumption. The country has proven gas reserves of around 14 trillion cubic feet, which is expected to last for another two decades at the current rate of production. The gas is mainly used to generate electricity...
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Go OPEX for Your Commercial Building Solar Project
As the world continues to move towards sustainable energy, businesses are increasingly looking for ways to incorporate renewable energy sources into their operations. One such source of renewable energy is solar power, which is becoming increasingly popular due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
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Use Your Energy Wisely: Invest in the Future
In today’s world, energy is one of the most precious resources we have, and it’s important that we use it wisely. Unfortunately, most people take energy for granted, and waste it without realizing the consequences. Energy is used for heating, cooling, lighting, transportation, and other day-to-day activities. However, energy production and consumption have a significant...
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