Category: Systems
Solar Curtailment: Understanding the Challenges and Solutions
Electricity curtailment, particularly in the context of solar energy, has emerged as a critical issue in modern energy systems. As renewable energy sources like solar power become more prevalent, challenges associated with grid congestion and economic viability have surfaced. This article explores the origins of curtailment, the reasons behind it, and proposes solutions to mitigate...
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Maximizing Efficiency: Solar Panel Cleaning
Solar panels operate by absorbing sunlight through photovoltaic cells, which then convert this sunlight into usable electricity. The efficiency of this process is directly linked to the amount of sunlight the panels can absorb. Over time, dust, dirt, pollen, bird droppings, and various environmental debris can accumulate on the panel's surface. This accumulation acts as...
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Energy Leakage: Culprit of Power Consumption
In today's rapidly advancing world, energy efficiency has become a critical concern. As we strive to minimize our carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption, it is essential to identify and address the various factors that contribute to inefficiency. One often overlooked culprit is energy leakage. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept...
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আপনার ফ্যাক্টরিতে এনার্জি সেভিংস এর সুযোগ
আপনি জানলে অবাক হবেন, সাধারণত একটি ফ্যাক্টরিতে এনার্জি সেভিংস মেজারমেন্ট না নিলে ৩৪-৬৬% এনার্জি অতিরিক্ত খরচ হয়। অর্থাৎ নিজের অজান্তেই হয়তো আপনি প্রতিমাসে লক্ষ লক্ষ টাকার এনার্জি লস করছেন! এই ৫ টি উদ্যোগ নিলে আপনার ফ্যাক্টরির এনার্জি লস অনেকাংশেই কমাতে পারবেন।
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How to Add Battery Backup to an Existing Grid-Tied Solar System by Yourself!
Batteries are the most expensive part of a solar system. Between an appropriately-size battery bank and a battery-based
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